Terms of use

  1. The ideas, suggestions, concepts and opinions portrayed on this website and sub-sites (including slimbyscience.com) have the sole purpose of informing and educating.
  2. This website and sub-sites (including slimbyscience.com) are publicly available based on the complete understanding that they offer no prescription whatsoever and that they are not intended to replace medical advice or diagnosis by healthcare professionals or doctors and are not intended to be used as a treatment for any disease, health condition or injury by the visitors (or their pets).
  3. It is imperative that before beginning any diet or exercise program, including those suggested on this website, you and/or your pet must have a full medical approval from a licensed practitioner.
  4. The author completely disclaims any liability for the use, interpretation and consequence of the direct or indirect use of any information contained on this website and on sub-sites (including slimbyscience.com). The information shared on these sites, when not followed by the references used, is purely personal opinion and should never be construed as a substitute for advice from licensed professionals in the field.
  5. By subscribing to the emailing lists of this website and sub-sites (including slimbyscience.com), the user authorizes the receiving of emails coming from Viking Ingunn and Ingunn Fjær. The emailing lists, under no circumstances, will be sold or passed on to third parties, and the subscriber may permanently unsubscribe at any time.
  6. All material distributed on this website and sub-sites (including slimbyscience.com) is the property of Viking Ingunn and Ingunn Fjær or published with the express permission of the copyright holders.

By using this website, you agree to all of the above.

Sorry for all this formality. However, it is necessary to cover the legal aspects on which this website and sub-subsites are available.